New operations manager
This month we welcome a new staff member to the DHA family – Lorenzo Agostinetto. Lorenzo is our new operations manager, who joins us from another golf estate. We wish him all the best in his new position.
Successfully tied into solar
Power outages and generators are now officially a thing of the past as the DHA is happy to announce that the recent tie-in to the solar panels in the car park was a success. Both gatehouses are now completely solar-powered and the official handover of the solar power at the DHA will happen within the next few weeks. Once the parking lot is re-tarred, this project will be officially completed.
Painting of gatehouses completed
Visitors and residents will now be welcomed by refreshed gatehouses after the completion of the gatehouse painting of both Broadacres and Cedar gates.
Clubhouse swimming pool
The renovation of the clubhouse swimming pool, which started in September, is right on track. In a matter of weeks, residents will be able to cool down in the deep end of the pool, while the little ones can safely splash in the newly installed baby pool.
New multipurpose court
Construction of the new multipurpose court is well underway. The new court will soon be home to five-a-side soccer, pickleball and basketball. The DHA will issue updates on this construction as they become available.
Gabions in Trent Stream
The installation of gabions in Trent Stream is nearing completion, these Gabions remediated the areas that were at risk of collapse posing danger to our cart path on the 1st and homes along Trent stream.
By Geraldine Harris – CEO. Read more below:
Residents Classifieds
PLEASE NOTE: All information for the Residents Classifieds must be in by the 20th of each month (strictly). Glen Publishers offer a service to residents and they in no way endorse any of the products or services offered.