Women’s month was celebrated with a special brunch at our clubhouse on Saturday, 14 August 2021.
Thank you to our guest speakers for generously giving up their time and who spoke on various topics especially relevant to women — Lucy Cummings, Cherie Eilertsen, Duduza Khosana, Jacqui Kruger, Dr Maggie Mojapelo, Dr Kirsten Rinne and Karen Schaefer-Lowe.
Special thanks go to our DHA Chair, Lena Mangondo, Helen Bradley, Brent Lindeque who was our wonderful MC, as well as SIX33 and the DHA for all working together to arrange this event.
Golf Course
Golf Data is working hard to get our golf course in pristine condition for Spring and Summer. We thank them for always ensuring our course looks its best.
Nature Association Booklet
Our Nature Association has distributed their new DNA booklet in print format. Many homeowners were pleased to receive a hard copy version. Special thanks to Colleen Kreser for her hard work in coordinating this project. The online version of the booklet is also available on
our App and on our website. We thank the advertisers for supporting our Nature Association.
eWallet on our App
An exciting update with our new App is that the eWallet facility will be implemented within the next few weeks. We will keep you updated in our newsletters.
Looking Forward to Spring
Many of our residents were away during August as the schools closed for their Winter break. We are all looking forward to warmer weather and the beauty that Spring brings as our gardens blossom with new growth and beautiful colours.